609 Aufrufe
Gefragt in Webseiten HTML von trauringe Einsteiger_in (3 Punkte)
Bearbeitet von halfstone
Hey ,
i am working on a site , that is sells wedding rings and runs on tech of "shopeware"
i am facing a lot a difficulty with the site speed here is the site (von der Redaktion gelöscht, war wohl nur um den Link hier zu posten) . its 15sec on desktop and 20+ sec on mobile , any one can help me with this.
looking forward to get some solution.

1 Antwort

0 Punkte
Beantwortet von halfstone Profi (18.1k Punkte)

Hi Trauringe,

you can check your site performance with these online tools:

google Page Speed Insights



I don'T know the software Shopware, but if there is a possibility to use plugins or it is already in, you should use caching. The URLs seems to be from WordPress, is that true?

With caching plugin you can do all the performance hints from these pages as, lazy loading (only load if things are visible, minify JavaScript, css…, compress your images. 

Cheers Fabian

P.S. If you don't answer, I will delete this link, because backlinking normally is not allowed here
